February 17, 2025

Votes Are In : The Contract is Ratified


DC 37 Family,

I’m pleased to announce the citywide economic agreement was approved by 97.7% of the 45,936 members who cast ballots during the ratification process.

Thank you for your confidence in this union. Because of your support, we secured an economic agreement that provides long-overdue raises, a significant bonus, flexible work, childcare support, premium-free healthcare and increased workplace safety. Now that you have ratified the agreement, we’re working to immediately implement your much-needed raises.

As we celebrate this victory with our members who work for the City, we’re firing up negotiations with CUNY, nonprofit and private sector employers.

The fight is not over, and our unity speaks for itself. We are one DC 37 family.

In Solidarity,

Henry Garrido
Executive Director

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