September 16, 2024

April 23rd, 2020 Executive Board Meeting

At 6:16 meeting called to order via the Zoom video conference platform.

Roll Call: in attendance were Campbell, Berenbaum, Shayota, Forde, Papa, O’Brien, Shaver, Lopez, Kennedy, Boynton, List, and  Foster

President’s Report:

President Campbell summarized meetings he’s attended with DC 37 via Zoom and Ring central with Gov. Cuomo, Mayor De Blasio, Sen. Schumer and MET Management.  These meetings  occurred separately and on different days in the past few weeks.  The summary is as follows:

    • State budget is in a critical state without tax revenues.  Several city summer services will not be open, such as public pools.  A statewide hiring freeze is in effect.
    • Mayor stated that DC 37 locals will not be facing layoffs.
    • Discussions between the Local and the Met regarding the post May 2nd status of local members are ongoing.

Topics resulting from the pandemic.

    • Possible DC 37 staff furloughs.
    • MET’s reduction in non-union staff.
    • The re-scheduling of the Engineering Shop due to two engineers contracting Covid 19.
    • The loss of Anthony Lang (Cloisters late watch security supervisor.)

End of President’s report.

The floor was opened to questions and further discussion regarding our continued pay status.

New Business:

The AFSCME International convention is scheduled for May 13th and 14th.
It has not been determined whether this will be an actual convention or virtual.
As a contingency,  AFSCME has amended its constitution to allow flexibility for locals in determining their representation at the convention.

Four options were created by the constitutional amendment:

    1. If the provision of automatic delegates is in your local constitution, Executive Boards can vote to send them to the convention.
    2. Executive Boards can vote not to attend and proxy votes to an attending local.
    3. Locals may nominate and elect delegates via electronic voting but every member must have access to participate.
    4. Locals may hold a mail-in ballot for nominations and election of convention delegates.

Options were discussed regarding practicality, access and expense to our local.
Pres. Campbell made a motion to adopt option 2 with the understanding if the convention “goes virtual” 1503 representation with be reconsidered by the E Board.

The motion was seconded by G. Papa.

The motion carried unanimously.

End of New Business.

General Discussions with Q&A regarding:

  • Current CBA status going forward
  • Organizing a May Day event for the membership.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was seconded by G. Papa and carried unanimously.

Submitted in good faith by Patrick Kennedy, Recording Secretary Local 1503.

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