September 9, 2024

Dear Local 1503 Membership,

I hope this message finds you, your family and friends in good health considering these trying time. My heart goes to all those that are sick, self quarantining or perhaps tragically lost someone to Covid-19.

For the past few days your local leadership, DC37 and the museum has had a series of meetings. This is what we have to report:

  • ALL members of local 1503 will continue to be in full paid status at a minimum till July 4th, 2020. We’ve secured all working titles, medical benefits and essential pay going forward.
  • We’re also in discussions about adding New Titles to the security force (details concerning responsibilities and rate of pay will be provided at a later date).
  • The museum will continue to operate with minimal staffing levels. Only essential workers will be asked to come in to work.

The Museum doesn’t have a solid date to reopen but, in the meantime, it’s our responsibility as your Local’s leadership to make sure you are given some sense of security moving forward. With this latest agreement we have provided some measure of security in these uncertain times.

Special thanks to ALL essential Local 1503 workers. It is because of your dedication knowing full well that you are putting, not only your health, but your families health at risk. Please continue to stay safe and protect yourself. You are making quite a bit of this possible. You’re working to the best of your ability while the remainder of your Sisters and Brothers are at home to reduce the risk of exposure. Thank you!

Additionally, a very special thank you goes out to your Local 1503 Executive board! Always fighting, always strong!

In conclusion the official signed document of this agreement will be posted around Wednesday and we look forward to seeing everyone in the near future. If you have any questions after the document is posted please reach out to your local chapter-vice presidents or any other board member.

Stay tuned and stay healthy!

Rawle Campbell
President of Local 1503

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