Year: 2020
2021 Annual Open Enrollment—Times and Locations
Below is the updated information on Open Enrollment provided by HR: As communicated previously in Met Matters, this year’s annual...
Health Insurance Open Enrollment Begins Early November
Open enrollment is here once again. We are sharing this information for those of you interested in selecting a different...
Tell NY State Leadership to Stop Harmful Layoffs of NYC Essential Workers!
Act Now, Speak Up, Be Heard! Our city depends on our essential workers to keep providing vital services, now more...
Information on the Security Department General Shift Bid
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Security Department, Welcome back and congratulations on making the reopening work. As you know,...
Local 1503 Member’s Daughter Winner of Memorial DC 37 Scholarship
Please join us in congratulating fellow member Special Officer José Muchaypiña-Vargas and his daughter Rina Felisha Hisajima who is the...
Contract Extended Through Aug. 31, 2020
Below is the text for the agreement: Memorandum of Understanding between The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Local 1503, District...
Report on Ratification Vote for the Memorandum of Understanding dated July 14, 2020
Report on the July 19-22, 2020 ratification vote regarding the Memorandum of Understanding between DC-37 Local 1503 and the Met...
A Message from President Rawle Campbell and the Executive Board, Local 1503
Dear Sisters and Brothers, As you know, on July 14, 2020, the Local 1503 bargaining committee and District Council 37...