July 26, 2024




May 2, 2020

Term:  This agreement shall become effective at 12:00 am on May 2, 2020, and shall remain in effect, at least until 11:59 pm on July 2, 2020.

Designation of work Assignment:   Employees who are required to work onsite in Buildings, Security and other Departments in the Main-Breuer and Cloisters during the closure will be selected based on seniority.  The Union agrees to the Museum’s need for flexibility in scheduling as the Museum ramps up to full Museum operations, activities (including but not limited to programming, special events and exhibitions), and determines operational needs.

Pay and Benefits During Closure:  Employees who are required to work onsite will receive a bonus payment of four hours pay at their base rate for each full regularly scheduled shift the employee works (longer shifts or shifts spanning across midnight will be treated as a single shift). Employees must work a full shift in order to receive the bonus payment. As of May 2, 2020 staff will not be eligible, and will not be paid, a bonus payment if the employee is tardy to a shift, except in an emergent circumstance brought to the attention of a manager.

Accrued time: Bargaining unit employees will continue to accrue annual leave and sick leave during the term of the agreement.

Probationary Period: The probationary period for employees, who were still in their probationary period at the time of the Museum’s closure in March 2020, will be extended for each individual, based on the amount of time each individual was not actively working.  For example, if a new employee was hired and has only worked thirty (30) days, and is currently inactive during the emergency pandemic, then upon the employees return to work, the probationary period will resume and the employee will continue to complete the remaining balance of ninety (90) days of probation.  

 Benefits.  Health insurance, welfare fund benefits and pension plans will continue under previous terms and conditions.

Other: All other terms and conditions shall remain the same.

Ratification. This Agreement is subject to Union ratification.

Link to the full PDF document

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