February 17, 2025


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I hope all is well you and your families. In these uncertain time the executive board and I have some news.

There will be NO layoffs or furloughs for any member in local 1503.

Due to a collaborative effort between your local E-board , DC37 and the Met an understanding was reached.  Everyone has their job, their salaries and medical insurance!  Everyone will continue to be paid. The essential workers will continue to get the .5 on top of their base rate. The understand is till May first. Rest assured we will meet before May 1st to re-evaluate the understanding because of the changing circumstances with covid-19. It’s obvious the museum is taking it month by month because we’re all hoping things will improve.

Take a look at the document sisters and brothers.

Stay tuned and stay healthy

Executive board of local 1503

Proposal for DC37 Staff Shifts During Museum Closure Period Due to COVID Outbreak

The following procedures will be effective at 12am on April 5, 2020. These procedures will remain in effect through May 1, 2020 or with a 72 hour notice by the Museum, whichever comes first (the “closure period.”)


To fill the overall number of staff that management determines it needs in each shop and campus (Main-Breuer and Cloisters) during the closure period, employees will be selected for shifts `based first on title (Foreperson, followed by Supervising Maintainer, followed by Maintainer, followed by Assistant Maintainer) within each shop and campus. Within each of those titles, employees needed for each shop and campus will be selected by seniority.

In Buildings shops other than Engineering, selected employees who continue working during the closure period will generally be assigned only to the day shift (8am-4pm), with four or five variations of days off. Selected employees will be able to sign up for those available shifts based on 1) title, then 2) seniority. These shifts will become the employees’ “regular” shifts for the duration of the closure period.

All licensed individuals in the Engineering shop will be expected to work during the closure. The Engineering shop will continue to utilize its existing three shifts (8:00am – 4:00pm, 4:00pm – 12:00am, 12:00am –8:00am) to the extent management determines it remains operationally feasible. Within each campus, Management may assign Engineering shop employees to work regular alternating or rotating days (for example, four days in one week and three days the subsequent week) to the extent management determines it remains operationally feasible. Management in its discretion will make reasonable efforts to select shifts within employees’ existing schedules.

Day-to-day call-outs and overtime staffing needs during the closure will be filled utilizing existing wheel procedures among the staff members who have been selected to work.



All individuals in the Fire Safety and Locksmith Shops will be expected to continue to work during the closure. Theses shops will continue to follow their standard shifts and scheduling practices, to the extent management determines it remains operationally feasible.

All Special Officers, Special Officer Candidates, and Supervising Security Officers (including those with Senior titles) will be expected to continue to work during the closure. During the closure period, the following three shifts will be utilized (other than for Fire Safety and Locksmith): 8:30am – 4:30pm, 4:30pm – 12:30am, and 12:30am – 8:30am, with four variations of days off (Sun-Mon, Mon-Tues, Wed-Thurs, Fri-Sat). Within each campus and title, the Special Officers, Special Officer Candidates, and Supervising Security Officers will be able to sign up for those available shifts based on seniority. These shifts will become the selected employees’ “regular” shifts for the duration of the closure period.

If management determines that any Senior Security Officers or Security Officers are also needed during the closure, they will be selected based on campus, general shift type (Early, Late, or Day), title, and seniority, and they will be assigned to one of the closure shifts.

Day-to-day call-outs and overtime staffing needs during the closure will be filled utilizing existing scheduling procedures among the staff members who have been selected to work.

Employees in other Departments

If additional staff are needed during the closure, they will be called to work based on campus, department, title, and seniority.

Pay and Benefits During Closure

All staff will continue to be paid as previously announced through April 4, 2020.

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