January 26, 2025


WHEREAS, The Museum plans to extend its operating hours on or about September 6, 2021;

WHEREAS, to successfully staff The Museum and protect its staff, visitors and Collections, the
parties agree to the following provisions negotiated in good faith; and

WHEREAS, this Agreement shall not waive any existing contractual rights or obligations not
herein mentioned.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the parties to the following:

  1. In addition to the standard 40-hour, 5-day workweek for the Security Department, the Museum will
    add a compressed four-day schedule for Security Officers, Senior Security Officers, Special Officers,
    Senior Special Officers, Supervising Security Officers, and Senior Supervising Security Officers .
  2. The compressed schedule will be comprised of two 8-hour days and two 12-hour days; the
    12-hour days will be Fridays and Saturdays. Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (Art. VI Sec.
    6) overtime shall be paid for all work performed in excess of the employee’s scheduled daily hours
    of work at the rate specified in Article VI Sec. 6.
  3. Eligible employees on the compressed schedule will continue to receive Sunday/holiday
    “optional hour” premium pay but will be required to work the full eight-or twelve-hour shift.
  4. For an excused full day absence, the employee’s applicable balance of annual leave, holiday
    compensation, or sick time will be reduced by 8 hours for an 8-hour day and by 10 hours for a 12-
    hour day.
    Standing practices for all excused absences or time off stay the same as is indicated in the current
  5. In consideration of this Agreement, represented employees of Local 1503 will be given an additional
    Holiday in 2021 only, Juneteenth, which will be observed on June 18, 2021, in accordance with the
    Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article VII).
  6. In the instance that the former “restaurant route” is restored for Security employees, and if the
    restaurant (dining room) closes at or after 11pm, the restaurant route would close at or after 11:15pm,
    thereby permitting Security employees working this route to earn supper pay.
  7. Shift Bid: Between June 14 and July 14, 2021, the Museum will offer a General Shift Bid for all
    Security Officers, Senior Security Officers, Special Officers, Senior Special Officers, Supervising
    Security Officers, and Senior Supervising Security Officers, in the Security Department. The General
    Shift Bid will permit employees to select preferred shifts among the new core shifts according to
    time in title through an in-person and/or electronic shift selection process. The shift bid will include
    the opportunity for Main Building and Cloisters staff to participate. If an employee does not provide
    a selection by the close of their assigned Round, they will be required to participate in the next open
    Round. If an employee misses all rounds, they will be automatically assigned to remaining shifts.
    The General Shift Bid is expected to be completed July 14, 2021; new shifts will begin effective on
    or about August 29, 2021.
  8. Recall: The Museum expects to recall a certain number of Security Officers and Senior Security
    Officers currently on the recall list. The recall of laid off employees to active employment on or
    before September 6, 2021, as needed, shall be by seniority (as defined in Article XV of the CBA)
    within each title, following the completion of the General Shift Bid as described above. Employees
    will be given at least ten days’ notice of their recall as described in Article XV of the CBA. If
    Security Officers are recalled/notified of recall on or prior to June 15, 2021, they may participate in
    the General Shift Bid above. If Officers are recalled/notified of recall beginning June 16 or
    thereafter, they will enter the recall process described herein. In recalling employees, the first dozen
    of the recalled employees shall be allowed to choose from available building and shifts according to
    seniority; in addition, consideration as to employee preference for building and shift may be given to
    the top half of the recall list in seniority order, only if a choice remains in either building or shift.
    Any consideration is limited to a time period of 24 hours to communicate a preference, if a
    preference is available. If the recalled member cannot be reached by email and/or phone, a certified
    recall letter shall be sent, in accordance with Article XV of the CBA.
  9. Disputes under this MOU will be subject to the parties’ grievance procedure contained in the
    Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  10. This Agreement will be effective as of the date it is signed, through 90 days following the
    implementation of the new shifts. This Agreement will automatically renew for 30-day periods
    thereafter, unless either party provides at least 20 days’ written notice that they wish to negotiate
    modified terms, with the understanding that the Museum has already provided consideration for the
    terms described in this Agreement, as agreed to by both parties.

—Signed, June 12, 2021

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