September 16, 2024

A Message from President Rawle Campbell Regarding Annual Leave


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The current annual leave situation for Security members is another obstacle we all have to overcome together. Your Local leadership understands that this is yet another drain on all our ability to cope with the truly difficult times we are living in—and here’s the hard part, we have to ask for more of your patience.

Your leadership is attempting to untangle this mess by presenting options to management that will open up leave time for members at the low end of the seniority scale, and ensure accrued time isn’t lost. It’s disappointing having put in your time and suddenly due to Covid,1503 members being laid off, then management is making us feel like it’s our first year. These are truly stressful times!

Discussions with management were held again today (Monday, Mar. 22) on this subject and we are pushing as hard as we can to get this resolved as soon as we can.

In Solidarity,

Rawle Campbell
President, Local 1503

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